I was trying to setup stanby database from RAC database and after the setup I have added the database and instance as cluster resource and tried starting with srvctl but received the error below:
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl start database -d rac_stby
PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.rac_stby.db
CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.rac_stby.db start" encountered the following error:
ORA-29760: instance_number parameter not specified
. For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/log/racdr1/agent/crsd/oraagent_oracle/oraagent_oracle.log".
CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.rac_stby.db' on 'racdr1' failed
CRS-2632: There are no more servers to try to place resource 'ora.rac_stby.db' on that would satisfy its placement policy
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$
Well the solution to the problem is straight forward, as the message suggest that (ORA-29760: instance_number parameter not specified), this means that instance_number parameter have some issues.
So I had a look at my spfile and saw what instance number I have used it is
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl add database -d rac_stby -n rac -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 -m localdomain -p '+DATA/rac_stby/parameterfile/spfilerac_stby.ora' -r physical_standby -a DATA,FRA -s open
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl add instance -d rac_stby -i rac_stby1 -n racdr1
So the solution this time is remove the database and instance information from OCR using the commands below:
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl remove instance -d rac_stby -i rac_stby1
Remove instance from the database rac_stby? (y/[n]) yes
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl remove database -d rac_stby
Remove the database rac_stby? (y/[n]) y
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$
Now add again with proper case :
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl add database -d RAC_STBY -n rac -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 -m localdomain -p '+DATA/RAC_STBY/parameterfile/spfileRAC_STBY.ora' -r physical_standby -a DATA,FRA -s open
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl add instance -d RAC_STBY -i RAC_STBY1 -n racdr1
This time the database started okay without any issues.
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl start database -d RAC_STBY
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl status database -d RAC_STBY
Instance RAC_STBY1 is running on node racdr1
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl start database -d rac_stby
PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.rac_stby.db
CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.rac_stby.db start" encountered the following error:
ORA-29760: instance_number parameter not specified
. For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in "/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/log/racdr1/agent/crsd/oraagent_oracle/oraagent_oracle.log".
CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.rac_stby.db' on 'racdr1' failed
CRS-2632: There are no more servers to try to place resource 'ora.rac_stby.db' on that would satisfy its placement policy
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$
Well the solution to the problem is straight forward, as the message suggest that (ORA-29760: instance_number parameter not specified), this means that instance_number parameter have some issues.
So I had a look at my spfile and saw what instance number I have used it is
RAC_STBY1.instance_number=1Mind it RAC_STBY1 is in capital letters and the mistake I made to add database and instance was that I use lower case with the following command.
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl add database -d rac_stby -n rac -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 -m localdomain -p '+DATA/rac_stby/parameterfile/spfilerac_stby.ora' -r physical_standby -a DATA,FRA -s open
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl add instance -d rac_stby -i rac_stby1 -n racdr1
So the solution this time is remove the database and instance information from OCR using the commands below:
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl remove instance -d rac_stby -i rac_stby1
Remove instance from the database rac_stby? (y/[n]) yes
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl remove database -d rac_stby
Remove the database rac_stby? (y/[n]) y
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$
Now add again with proper case :
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl add database -d RAC_STBY -n rac -o /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 -m localdomain -p '+DATA/RAC_STBY/parameterfile/spfileRAC_STBY.ora' -r physical_standby -a DATA,FRA -s open
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl add instance -d RAC_STBY -i RAC_STBY1 -n racdr1
This time the database started okay without any issues.
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl start database -d RAC_STBY
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$ srvctl status database -d RAC_STBY
Instance RAC_STBY1 is running on node racdr1
[oracle@racdr1 dbs]$
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